Zoom Feature in Form

ZOOM Feature
When working with a session, the form being used can be set to call another session or a menu.  This is called a Zoom.
The zoom option is available for menus and sessions.

Zoom from a Session

Zoom Using a MENU

A form can be set up to allow for a menu to be called.  This can be done using a zoom function.  In this case, for example, the form may zoom to a maintain session to allow changing of data and a display session.

Zoom Types

For BAAN Windows (BW) users there are four zoom types.

This zoom process is independent of the main process.  A new session (process) is started in a new window and the main process is not blocked.  

Modal Child Dialog
This zoom process is dependent on the main process, which means that the main process only can be maintained after leaving the zoom process.
Sometimes a process can be started as a zoom process of a main session by which the user can:
  • Retrieve the data to the main process
  • Change the data in the zoom session 
The process contains a button bar to use the options that are active for that form. 

Modal Dialog 
This type of process is usually used for zoom processes to retrieve a record to the main process.  Only one record  can be selected to return to the main process.  

Modal without title 
This type of process is used when data of the zoom process has to be represented in the form of the main process (combination forms).  The window of such a process is not moveable and does not contain a title.

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